520-808-2465 Salon by APPOINTMENT and deposit only . Deposits Needed for Appointments. Same day appointments available. 6015 E. 22nd Street 85711. CASH, Venmo Only Dreadlocks
There Is Nothing Dreadful About Your Locs

Straw Sets
I will set your hair up on drinking straws and then When I take them out it will look like palm rolls. Do not wash your hair until your hair has started to loc up.
I do Bradelocz.
I have had many people come to get their hair dreaded and look at me weird when I give them braids. Braids will dread! This is how I did my locs. If you do not believe me go to http://www.naturalfreedomjourney.com They are dreads stared with braids. If you want this service then call to make an appointment. The Bradelocz look just like other dreads. They are just started another way. I charge small $100, medium $75, large $50. For this method you need to have 5-6 inches of hair. Here is the pictures:
With this way, you can wash your hair anytime you want. Just don't condition your hair until your hair has been in for about a year. Wash your hair in the morning and not at night. When you lay your head down, make sure you have a scarf on your head.
I also do Micro Bradelocz for $300 to the back of the neck, $400 to the shoulders, $500 past the shoulders and $600 to the middle of your back. I do not add on any hair for this style. It has to be all your own hair and it will dread.
I also do Backcombing With Wax. I backcomb the hair and apply wax. If you would like to get this method done to your hair then call me. I will set you up an appointment. I charge $400 per person to start dreads this way. For this method you need to have shoulder length hair. If your hair is longer it will be 500. Here are some pictures:

With this method you can't wash your hair until your hair starts to dread. That way all the work your stylist or you put into your hair will not go down the drain. It may take 2-3 months for your hair to start to dread. I would not even get your hair wet in that time. Buy a shower cap and a silk or satin scarf for when you sleep.
Comb Coils $100 Pictures:
This way is similar to back combing. You can't wash your hair until it has started to dread. Get you a scarf for when you sleep and a shower cap. You do not need to rewax your hair everyday. Just when you have new growth. Like, once a month is good. If it starts to not look like comb coils anymore, then that is good. That is what we want. It may start to poof up but that only means it is starting to dread.

Natural Twists to start dreads. I do this style for $100. Don't wash your hair until your hair has started to dread. If you want to wash your hair in that time, put rubber bands in your hair at the bottom to keep the twists from coming down in the wash.
Interlock Dreads (Latch Hook)

Interlock Dreads (Latch Hook). If you want to get your dreads done this way it is $300. I will put a piece of yarn or a piece of thread on the end of your hair that I have sectioned off and I will interlock your hair in the 2 point, 3 point or 4 point pattern. The thread or the yarn will dread in with your hair in a few months and no one will know that it was even there. With this method I can make the dreadlocks as small as you want. Also, you can wash your hair whenever you want to. This method takes a long time, so when you make your appointment, make sure you have nothing to do for the rest of the day.

Palm Rolls I do this method for $100. Do not wash your hair until it has started to dread.
Sisterlocks and Brotherlocks $150 I do not start them in your hair but if you have them I will do the up keep.
Calling All Freeforming Loc Heads!!
If you freeform and still would like to come to me to get your hair done, then I say come on down! Don't know what freeforming is? Freeforming is when you do nothing to the new growth of your dreads. You don't clean up the new growth every month. You don't go get a retwist every month. You don't get your hair interlocked or latched every month. You don't even root rub every month. You just let the new growth do its thang. Even you can come to me and get your hair pampered every month or even every week! I will wash your hair, condition your hair, do a hot oil treatment or a protien treatment. Then I will seperate the hair at the roots. That will keep the dreads from trying to marry at the root and you wont get congos. If you want congos put into your hair, then I do this also. What is a congo? A congo is when 2 or more dreads are dreading together and you will see two or more dreads at the ends of the hair. The ends are not fully dreaded together. You can still tell which dreads are a congo. If you are freeforming and would like to get this service. I do it for $30.
Benefits of freeforming: You can wash your hair anytime you want. Whenever you want. It is truly a wash and go style. You can wet your hair everyday. Your hair will have less thinning at the root. You won't have to marry your locs because of the thinning.
To clean up dreadlock newgrowth there are several different ways:
Interlocking. I use a Latch Hook. The cost, $85
Twist and Pin (Retwist). Natural black hair only, will not work in any other hair. The cost $85
Dreadlock Stages: Baby Dreadlocks, Teenage Dreadlocks and Adult Dreadlocks.
Baby Dreadlocks are when you just started your dreads. No matter how you started them. You are happy to have your new style and you are ready to start your new journey. One that will be a long one but worth it in the end. You may want to start taking pictures for this so you can say, I too did climb this very tall mountain. Make sure to keep your hair clean and sleep on a satin or silk pillow case. If you want to wear a silk or satin rag also, that is ok too. Be careful when you wash your new dreads. You may want to wash with a non residue shampoo or vinegar. Don't use conditioner at this point.
Teenage Dreadlocks are when you have had the style for a couple of months and you now can wash and style your hair. The reason it is called the teenage stage is because like a teenager you hair will not want to do anything that you tell it. I wore rags in this stage. Hair rags. If I had on a pink outfit I was wearing a pink hair rag. If I had on a black outfit, I wore a black hair rag and so on. My hair was poofy and looked a hot mess! But that is part of the dreadlock journey. You can't get around this. You have to go through it. No matter how you stared your dreads, no matter what race or hair texture you have, your hair will get messy and you will have fly aways and you too will look a mess. But, don't try to get rid of the frizzies. Don't try to cut them out like I did. They will just come back. But don't get fustrated or mad. It will go away. This stage just like the last one will last only for a few months. Then you will be ready for the next stage. The one that you have been waiting so long for! Make sure you wash your hair once a week and don't condition yet.
Adult Dreadlocks is when you can do anything to your hair now. Finally! This is what you have been waiting for! All the months of waiting for this and it is finally here! You can show off your style and make all of your friends jealous. You did it and they didn't. When they got to the teenage stage, they cut off their hair. You stuck with it and got your style! It took you about 2 years, but you did it! You can now condition your hair. Still wash once a week but now, add in conditioner.
I now repair dreads. This is for if your dreads really and I mean really need my help. Not just the roots cleaned up, but you need total repair.
Do you need your dreadlocks washed?
I will wash them for you to save you the hassle. It is $25 to wash. I will get out the product buildup and do a hot water rinse.
Do you need your dreadlocks combined?
Do you want your dreadlocks made bigger? Or do you have Sisterlocs and want traditional locs? Remilaku can do that for you. I will sew your dreads together so it will stay when you wash or style. Also, it will take less time for them to dread together. I do this for $5 every 2 or dreads you want me to put together. If you want me to braid them together then I can do that too. I will braid 3 dreads together. I can do this all over your head. I do this for $1 every 3 dreads you want me to put together. If you only want me to put together 2 dreads at a time, that is no problem. I will twist 2 dreads together. When I get done it will look like you have twists all over your head. I do this for $1 every twist that I make.
How to wash dreadlocks:
I think that it is better to wash your dreadlocks in the shower. That way you can get the water to all parts of your head. I have found out that it is better to condition your hair then wash. If you do it this way, you will not leave any conditioner in your hair and you will have no products left. This is good for those of you that have product buildup in your dreads. Saturate your scalp and hair with water. Put shampoo all over your head and rub it in. Rub your scalp in little bitty circles all over your head. Then start with your dreads, rub them together and rub them all over your head. Part your hair and make sure that you put little parts all over to get shampoo in each section. Then rinse. Rinse for at least 5 minutes. Set a timer if you want. Rinsing for 5 whole minutes will make sure you have everything out of your hair. So you won't have product buildup. If you want, you can do a hot water rinse. Get the water as hot as you can stand it. Not so hot that it will burn you, but hot enough that you can stand it. Next, rinse your hair for the same 5 minutes. Now dry your hair with a t-shirt or a no lint towel. Make sure to wash in the morning, not at night. You don't want to go to bed with wet dreads. Your hair will smell and mold.
Comb Coils, Back Combing and any other style you have to wait a long time before you wash.
If you feel that your hair is starting to itch and you don't know what to do, here is what you should do. Get a cotton swab and dip it into alcohol or witch hazel and rub it into the spot that is itching. Please do not dump the whole bottle on your head. Just put it in the spots that itch. Also, you can get you some braid spray and use that, the one that I love to use is sulfur 8 braid spray. Spray it on your dreads and you will feel a lot better. Another one that I used to use is african royal braid spray. But I think that sulfer 8 works better.
What to do if your dreads feel stiff or stick straight up.
Condition your hair more than you wash. If you wash your hair once a week condition 3 times a week. That will help. Also you can use shea butter. Try to find 100% shea butter.
Tips and Tricks To Help You Grow Beautiful Dreadlocks!
#1. Don't mess with your new growth but once a month.
If you mess with your new growth more than once a month, you could end up with thinning at the roots and you will have to combine dreads or you may even lose a dread.
#2. Don't shampoo your hair.
Now I know you think, I knew it! I knew you could not wash dreadlocks! I did not say not to wash your dreads. I said do not shampoo your dreads. There is a difference. You can wash your hair with something other than shampoo. Shampoo dries your hair out. Instead wash your hair with homemade products like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice or try castile soaps. Dr. Bronners is one. Dr. Woods is another. You don't want to wash your hair with something that is going to dry it out. That will make it brittle and it may brake off. If you still want to wash your hair with shampoo, try all natural shampoos like Burt Bees or some other. Make sure that you read the labels to make sure that it is really all natural.
#3. Wash Your Locs. For Straighter hair wash Once a week. For curlier types, wash every 2-4 weeks. Washing to much can dry your locs out and your scalp. Also, washing to much can cause you to have scalp problems as well.
#4. Condition your locs.
Some people think that conditioning your hair will take your dreads out. No that is not true. You and a sharp object take out your dreads. Conditioning your locs will actually help your hair stay moisturized and help your hair not get brittle and brake.
#5. Wash your hair in the morning and not at night.
I say this because it is something you all need to do. If you wash your hair before you go to bed and do not allow your hair to fully dry you may get a fungus in your scalp or your hair will start to mold. Please, please let your hair fully dry before your go to bed.
#6 E O's
Essential Oils. Yes they smell really good and you may want to put them into your whole head. DON'T! When you use e o's, you are supposed to use them in moderation. 2-3 drops into a carrier oil or into something else like shampoo, conditioner or something like that. Let me tell your this story. This woman went to her loctician to get her hair cleaned up. So, the loctician cleaned up her hair and as a final touch she put oil on her hair. What she put was an e o. A few days or weeks later the lady noticed that her dreadlocks were getting brittle and about to brake. I told you this because I need to tell you, don't put a lot of this oil into your hair. E O's are very strong. 1,2, or 3 drops are all you need if you are making your own hair care products.
#7 Dread Soc
Invest in a good loc cover for when you sleep or for when you go outside to clean the yard, wash the car etc. I use a satin bonit. Whatever you use make sure it is silk or satin. It will keep your natural hair from drying out. Also, It will help keep lint at bay.
#8 Scalp Massages
I loooooooooooooooove scalp massages. Even more so when I can get my husband to do them for me. It will help bring blood circulation back to your scalp and help your hair grow faster.
#9 Prolonged Rinsing
This is one you are going to love too. Too many people don't rinse their hair long enough when they wash or condition their hair. Prolonged rinsing may get out product build up also, or stop it from starting. When you get done shampooing your hair, let the water hit your hair for an extra 5-10 minutes. I tried this and it works. It feels good too.
#10 Don't Get Lock Envy!
I can not stress this enough. Don't get lock envy! Don't look at other peoples dreadlocks and wish your dreads looked like theirs. You will spend so much of your time in the mirror trying to fix your dreads to look like some picture you saw or like some one elses dreads that you know. Love your dreads for what they are. I have read on the internet so many times that people will start their locs and then end them in a few months or a few years and start them again. I think it is because they want their dreadlocks to look like some one elses that they saw. Your dreadlocks will never look like that because you are not them! Love the hair that God gave you. Love the locs that God gave you. You never know. You may say I love your locs and that person may turn around and say to you, I hate my locs and I love yours. You were loving their hair and they were hating it. Trust me when I say, don't get loc envy. You will mess up your locs or you will stop, start, stop, start, your locs and your first set could be all the way down to your but by now! Don't. . . Get. . . Loc. . Envy!
#11 Don't Prune Your Locs
Pruning is when you cut the hair that is sticking out of your locs. You take a loc and go up and down it cutting the hair on the sides. Doing so can thin out your locs. You can not only thin them out but you can damage your loc and you can also lose locs later on from doing this several times. It is funny to me that we go all natural and nappy and then when a single nap shows we want to cut it off. Isn't that the reason to go natural. To show the world you are not ashamed of your natural hair. The hair God gave you. Don't prune your locs. What you can do instead is, when you retwist your hair, go down the entire loc with the wax or gell or honey, (whatever you use) and wrap the lose hair or the hair sticking out, around the loc. You will have later that neat look and you did not damage any of your locs in the process.
#12 Seperate Your Locs At Every Wash!
When you wash your locs, don't forget to rip your locs apart at the root. If you do not do that your locs will form one big loc on your head. If that is what you want then that is fine. But if you don't want that, you need to seperate your locs.
#13 Do what YOUR locs want you to do and not what other people tell you or do to their own locs.
Your hair is just that, YOUR hair. If your hair does not like a product, don't try to make your hair like it. My locs and scalp hair co washing. It always has. I may have done one successful co wash in all of my life. My hair just does not like it. Other people LOVE it. You need to figure out what your hair likes and use nothing but that. Don't go ask your freind what she uses on her locs. Go out and try different things. My also hates shampoo. I make my own hair washes. If I use shampoo, most of them will dry my hair out. It will take weeks of deep conditioning and oiling to get my moisture back! Use what YOUR hair likes.